
Laravel Custom Base Project

Features Basic Authentication Json Web Token Custom Error Handling CORS Filter Authority Access Custom Middleware Soft Deletes Service Custom Form Validation Auto Refresh Token Every 1 Hour (Ajax) User Management Documentation Clone this project https://github.com/piinalpin/laravel-base.git. Change.env.docker file to change database configuration to your database configuration and add basic auth configuration. Then copy .env.docker to .env 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AUTH_USERNAME=<BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME> AUTH_PASSWORD=<BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD> DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST=<DATABASE_HOST> DB_PORT=<DATABASE_PORT> DB_DATABASE=<DATABASE_NAME> DB_USERNAME=<DATABASE_USERNAME> DB_PASSWORD=<DATABASE_PASSWORD> Run php artisan migrate to migrate table on database.

Automation Test Using Cypress Example

Prerequisites Install Cypress using NPM : 1 2 cd /your/project/path npm install cypress --save-dev or using Yarn : 1 2 cd /your/project/path yarn add cypress --dev Step to create test case Open cypress to get examples of test case from cypress module using npx : 1 npx cypress open using yarn 1 yarn run cypress open Cypress should be like image below Create test case data, in this case I will use my simple CRUP web app which is deployed on heroku https://github.

Django Mail Sender With Rabbit-MQ and Celery Worker

Prerequisites Erlang (Open Telecom Platform) RabbitMQ (Message Broker) Pyhton 3.6 (Base Compiler) Sendgrid Account (SMTP Client) Virtualenv Step to create Django mail sender Create virtual environtment in root directory on your project and activate it 1 2 virtualenv env . env/bin/activate Install Django 2.1 1 pip install Django==2.1.2 Create project and application in Django 1 2 django-admin startproject your_project_name django-admin startapp your_apps_name Install library celery and celery-message-consumer 1 2 pip install celery pip install celery-message-consumer Edit django base settings project_name/settings.

My First Workshop

A few stories about my experience while being a speaker in the Asynchronous Programming and the Build CRUD with Flask workshop at some time ago. As an introduction, I like to share my experience with others. So I want to make a workshop with the purpose of so I can share my experience with others and also when it coincides with my return to the hometown although only briefly, so I think I’m not only go home only, but I can sharing with each other. At first I was confused by whom I would share my experience, then I contacted the Linux Study Group at the University of Ahmad Dahlan which became the beginning of my knowledge of information technology and some technologies in Programming language. At that time I chose the theory about Asynchrounous Programming because during my lecture I did not get that knowledge. The response from friends was very positive so it was very fun at the time. Then after the workshop, a few months later I wanted to hold an activity again with different theory. The target is the friends who are working on the final task with the topic Data Mining and machine learning. Most use the Python programming language, so I want to share about how to create an application that can create, read, update and delete with the microframework flask. And the workshop this time is not less exciting with the previous, because the enthusiasm of friends is very high. So it starts from this where I learn not to fear doing positive things even in the slightest way. Although not an international workshop but I am very pleased to be able to share my experience to others.